*Terms and Conditions Apply.



Nurture young minds and lifelong learners at Smiths Lane by Mirvac. With top-rated schools like Topirum Primary and Clyde Grammar School within the catchment area of our land for sale in Clyde North, plus convenient childcare options, your children's educational journey is just a hop, skip, and jump from home.

For those keen on keeping their skills up to date in adult life, the proposed council community centre at Smiths Lane will offer practical courses and adult education, ensuring everyone in the community has access to continued growth and development.


Explore our news, events and programs

Brand New Display Village Now Open
Find inspiration for your dream home and discover the perfect floorplan to ... Learn more

Smiths Lane End of Year Wrap 2024
Watch our Smiths Lane End of Year Wrap Video! Learn more

'At Home' outdoor gallery and play space opening
Smiths Lane's newest outdoor play space and gallery now open! Learn more

Visit Us
Visit us at the Smiths Lane Sales Office & Community Hub. Walk In's' welcome, or book an appointment for a guided tour and discover why life on the lane is the life for you.
Opening Hours
Monday 01:00 PM - 05:00 PM
Tuesday to Sunday 11:00 AM - 05:00 PM
35 Oconnor Avenue, Clyde North, VIC, 3978 Get Direction

Register your interest

Fill out our simple form to let us know your preferences, and a member of our team will be in touch soon to help you find your perfect place at Smiths Lane, Clyde North.

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