Terms and Conditions

Background to Promotion

1. Mirvac Victoria Pty Ltd (Mirvac) recently introduced the 5% Deposit on Mirvac built Townhomes at Smiths Lane by Mirvac (Promotion).

2. The Promotion will run for a limited time. The Promotion commences on Friday, 19 January 2024 and ends on Sunday, 30 June 2024 (Promotion Period).

3. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Promotion, which are set out below and in the contract for sale and purchase, Mirvac will require only a 5% deposit for Home Buyers who purchase an available Mirvac built Townhome at Smiths Lane by Mirvac during the Promotion Period. The following terms and conditions apply to the Promotion.   

Promotion Terms and Conditions 

The Eligible Buyer will only be entitled to take part in the Promotion if the following terms and conditions are satisfied:

4. The Promotion is for buyers who:

a. are natural persons over the age of 18 years and are not a company, registered builder, superannuation funds or persons acting as agent on behalf of other persons;

b. have not been referred to Mirvac or Smiths Lane by a referring channel agent;

c. are not an employee, agent, consultant or related entity of Mirvac;

d. enter into an unconditional contract of sale with Mirvac for the purchase of an Eligible Property (Contract) during the Promotion Period;

e. pay the full 5% deposit required under the Contract on or before the date required by the Contract;

f. comply with the terms of the Contract and are not otherwise in default under the Contract; and

g. settle the acquisition of the Eligible Property on the due date for settlement required under the Contract 

(Eligible Buyer).

5. Subject to the Eligible Buyer complying with the terms and conditions of this Promotion and the provisions set out in additional special conditions of the Contract, Mirvac will offer the Eligible Buyer during the promotion period will be eligible to pay 5% deposit to secure their Smiths Lane Townhome (GST inclusive) (Promotion Rebate).

Further Terms and Conditions of Promotion

The following additional terms and conditions also apply to the Promotion:

6. The Eligible Buyer acknowledges and agrees that the Promotion is non-transferrable, nonrefundable and cannot be exchanged for cash. All taxes which may be payable as

consequence of receiving or participating in the Promotion are the sole responsibility of the Eligible Buyer.

7. The Eligible Buyer must disclose the contents of this Promotion to any lending institution providing finance to the Buyer to assist with the purchase of the Property.

8. The Eligible Buyer forfeits all rights to receiving or participating in the Promotion if the Eligible Buyer does not comply with any of these terms and conditions or any term

or condition under their Contract for Sale.

9. To the extent permitted by law, Mirvac is not liable to the Eligible Buyer for any indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, special or punitive damages arising out of or

in connection with the Eligible Buyer’s participation in this Promotion.

10. Prior to an Eligible Buyer’s entry into the Contract, Mirvac may, acting reasonably, cancel, terminate, modify, extend or suspend the Promotion at any time by notice

published on the Smiths Lane by Mirvac website available here: {}

11. This Promotion may not be used in conjunction with any other promotions in connection with an Eligible Property.

12. If there is any inconsistency between these terms and conditions and the provisions of the contract of sale entered into by a person participating in the Promotion, the

contract of sale prevails.

13. These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of Victoria. 

Privacy Collection Statement

14. The Mirvac Group (Mirvac Limited and its controlled entities) collects and uses personal information about you to promote its products and services and may disclose

personal information to third parties agents and services providers. Mirvac also uses your personal information for related purposes including to request your feedback on the

products and services provided by Mirvac. If you do not provide all the personal information Mirvac requests from you, Mirvac may be unable to provide these products or

services to you.

15. Mirvac may disclose personal information about you to third party agents and service providers to assist Mirvac in the operation of its business to provide the products and

services you request. Your personal information may also be disclosed to overseas recipients who use the personal information to assist Mirvac in the operation of its business

in countries including, but not limited to, the United States of America, the Philippines, Japan and United Kingdom.

16. The Mirvac Group Privacy Policy (available on contains information about how you may request access to and correction of personal information Mirvac

holds about you, or to make a complaint about an alleged breach of the Australian Privacy Principles. You can also contact our Mirvac Privacy Officer using the following details:

Phone: (02) 9080 8000; Email:; and Address: 'Mirvac Privacy Officer', Mirvac Group Compliance, Level 28, 200 George Street, Sydney, NSW 2000.

17. By participating in the Promotion, you agree to Mirvac using your personal information to promote its products and services. If you no longer wish to receive promotional

information from Mirvac, you may advise Mirvac of your wish. The Mirvac Group Privacy Policy contains information about how you may send your request to Mirvac.




Register for

Privacy Collection Statement

The Mirvac Group (Mirvac Limited and its controlled entities) collects and uses personal information about you to provide you with information you request from Mirvac. Mirvac also uses your personal information for related purposes including to request your feedback on the products and services provided by Mirvac. If you do not provide all the personal information Mirvac requests from you, Mirvac may be unable to provide these products or services to you.

Mirvac may disclose personal information about you to third party agents and service providers to assist Mirvac in the operation of its business to provide the products and services you request. Your personal information may also be disclosed to overseas recipients who use the personal information to assist Mirvac in the operation of its business.

The Mirvac Group Privacy Policy (available on contains information about how you may request access to and correction of personal information Mirvac holds about you, or to make a complaint about an alleged breach of the Australian Privacy Principles.

Promotion of other products and services

By submitting this form, you agree to Mirvac using your personal information to promote its products and services. If you no longer wish to receive promotional information from Mirvac, you may advise Mirvac of your wish. The Mirvac Group Privacy Policy contains information about how you may send your request to Mirvac.