Frequently Asked Questions


Will there be places of worship?

The Masterplan does not set aside places of worship. However, there are local places of worship for a variety of faiths and denominations a short drive from Smiths Lane.

Will there be a library?

Mirvac has no plans for delivery of a library at Smiths Lane at this stage however, is advocating with Council for delivery of a library within the future Community Facilities.

What facilities will be delivered by Council?

A Council Community Centre facility will be located to the south of the future Local Town Centre. The particular services provided will be determined by Council in response to community needs. The facility is expected to be delivered by Council within the next three years, subject to funding outcomes.

Will there be organised sporting groups?

As part of the community development plan, Smiths Lane is planning on supporting associations with existing sporting/ community groups in the area as well as assisting in the creation of new clubs in partnership with Council as the timeframe for delivery of the Council Sports Reserve becomes further rationalised.

Will there be a community swimming pool?

Planning is currently underway for the provision of lifestyle and wellbeing amenities within Smiths Lane. This will incorporate a needs based analysis to determine the offerings in response to community demand.

Will there be a residents association?

A resident community group has been established to actively work towards creating a welcoming and inclusive community. The Smiths Lane team will meet regularly with the group's representatives to engage in dialogue that will help shape the Smiths Lane community, including discussing issues such as transport, education, recreation, culture and health services.


Is there security on site?

Mirvac engages a security contractor as necessary to undertake nightly patrols of the estate. Mirvac will also seek to engage with local police to endeavor to increase frequency of patrols.

What sporting facilities will be available?

The 11.01 hectare Active Open Space Precinct is planned to include cricket / football ovals, tennis courts,  and a cricket/soccer/tennis pavilion with change room facilities.  Please note that these facilities are the responsibility of Council to deliver. Mirvac is working with the City of Casey to try to bring forward the delivery of these important community assets.


Can I drive and see my block?

Visiting of blocks is strictly prohibited during construction to preserve safety of the public and any trespassing will be reported to local police. We will provide confirmation that you can inspect your lot prior to settlement when it is safe to do so.

What does the BAL rating mean, will it be removed?

The Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) indicates the construction requirements for building within a Bushfire Prone Area. A BAL Report is required to determine the BAL rating for a property located within the Bushfire Prone Area and informs the requirements for construction, such as upgrading of window frames, openings and sarking to your roof.

We are working with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) to progressively try to reduce the BAL rating to BAL-LOW (i.e. no additional construction costs) by excising the stages from the Bushfire Prone Area (BPA). This process usually takes 6-8 months from application. Some lots may have a higher Bushfire Attack Level which is similar to all new developments. A BAL 12.5 Rating generally equates to about $3-5k of additional cost when compared to the BAL Low Rating.

What does mandatory minimum 12.5 or 19 BAL rating mean?

Certain lots cannot have the BAL rating lifted and the BAL rating may be higher than the minimums stated. The price difference between a BAL-LOW and a BAL 12.5 compliant home is approximately $3k - $5k and can be more depending on the applicable BAL rating.

Are there special treatments for corner lots?

Homes on corner lots should address the corner by having an articulated facade on the secondary frontage. For more details refer to the Smiths Lane Design Guidelines and the Plan of Subdivision for further information.

How do I design a house for an irregular lot?

Not all land lots are rectangular. Irregular lots are often larger and provide residents with more space to design their dream home. The additional space can be used for a larger alfresco area, pool, a veggie patch or storage, all of which can add value to your home.
An experienced builder will be able to help you position your new home to get the most value out of an irregular lot.

What is the process to getting my house plans approved?

Generally your builder will manage this process on your behalf. They are required to submit conforming plans and associated documentation to the Design Review Panel. Refer to the Smiths Lane Design Portal on the Smiths Lane website for further information.

How do I submit my plans?

Plans are to be submitted on the Smiths Lane Design Portal. The Design Portal features the Smiths Lane Design Guidelines and information to ensure a successful and seamless design and build process. The online mapping tool will provide access to all information relating to your lot, including the location of services, the location of your driveway crossover and any specific design covenants that apply.

Can I submit my house plans prior to settlement and before formally engaging a builder?

Yes, you can submit your plans to the DRP prior to settlement and it is strongly encouraged. Dependent on the current volume of applications being received plans will generally be assessed and responded to within 10 business days from receipt of your application. For any other queries relating to the design guidelines and approvals process please email Email queries will generally be initially responded to within 3 business days.

What happens if my house plans are not approved by Smiths Lane Design Review Panel?

Your builder will generally manage this process on your behalf. In the event that changes may be required to your plans, your builder will work in conjunction with you and the Design Review Panel to achieve a positive outcome for both parties.

What if I wish to change the design after my plans have been approved?

It is important that plans are resubmitted and approved by the DRP prior to construction commencing. If your completed dwelling differs from your approved plans, the DRP will issue you with a non-compliance notice and you will lose your eligibility for your complimentary front landscaping package. If the non-compliance is not rectified the matter may be subject to further legal action. We strongly encourages you to ensure your building is constructed as per your approved plans as rectification works may be very costly.

Is there a display village?

Yes. The Smiths Lane Display Village is located surrounding Banjo Park. Our Display Vilage features numerous outstanding designs from Australia's leading home builders including Carlisle Homes, Metricon Homes, Henley Homes and many others. We are currently building our second Display Village located on Alexander Boulevard which is forecast to open in Spring 2024.

What are the fencing requirements?

You will be required to install boundary fencing at your own cost. The fence type is a 1.8m timber. A front feature fencing will be installed with the front garden packages, which is set back 1m from the front facade. Corner lots require a lapped and capped fence, 1.8m high and set back 4m from the front facade. Details of the fencing requirements are included within the Smiths Lane Design Guidelines.

Do I need to have temporary fencing before building commences to protect my block of land?

Yes, this is a mandatory requirement. Prior to building works, your builder will erect temporary fencing to deter unauthorised people entering the site and to prevent litter impacting the community. If you have yet to engage a Builder, we strongly encourage you to organise temporary fencing for your block or you may risk having materials illegally dumped onto your site requiring removal at your own cost.

Will my builder hit rock?

An experienced and reputable Builder should be well aware of the geological conditions on the site and should plan accordingly to ensure minimisation of delays, if any, to the construction of your home.

How much will the site costs be?

Site costs will vary from builder to builder however we anticipate site costs will generally be between $15K to $25K. House and land pricing advertised by builders typically account for a suitable level of site costs for this location and Smiths Lane’s display builders have delivered many homes in the area. The Builder's structural engineer will generally require their own independent soil test in order to design the slab.

Will my home be subject to slab heave?

The homeowner is to discuss appropriate slab design and warranties with their builder. The Builders provide long term structural guarantees for the homes built, typically a minimum of 25 years. Any concerns should be discussed directly with your Builder and with respect to future front and rear landscaping to your home.

When can my builder do a soil test?

Your block can be accessed for soil testing once you have been notified that the plan of subdivision has been lodged for registration and typically 1 week prior to title release.

Can I subdivide my lot?

The plan of subdivision will restrict the number of dwellings on a lot. Future subdivision will be subject to permit approval from council and must comply with Smiths Lane Design Guidelines. 


What is the timeframe to build?

Construction must commence within 12 months of the settlement date. Once construction has commenced, the dwelling must be completed within 12 months.

When can I start building on my block?

Building can commence after settlement as soon as your house plans have been approved by Smiths Lane Design Review Panel and you have the relevant building permit from the City of Casey or a private licensed building surveyor (both of which will usually be organised by your builder on your behalf).

How long will it take for my builder to commence building?

We recommend that purchasers engage with their Builders well in advance of settlement as it is typically a 4 – 6 month process for the Builders to commence on site from the point a building contract is signed.

Who is responsible for any rubbish that may be dumped on my block after I settle? Can Mirvac remove it?

Prior to settlement, Mirvac will remove any rubbish located on your block. Once you have settled, the block belongs to you and any rubbish removal is your responsibility at your cost.

What happens if the pegs are missing from my block before settlement?

Prior to settlement if you discover that pegs are missing, please contact the Settlements Team to arrange for re-pegging. After settlement, the block belongs to you and re-pegging will be at your cost.

Where have the pegs been placed on the block and how do we know they are in the right position and to the right block measurements?

We engage a licensed surveyor from design through to construction to mark out the boundaries of each individual lot and you can be assured that this procedure has been done in strict accordance with the exact measurements of the lot sold to you. If there aren’t any pegs missing, but you still wish to confirm the size of your lot, we suggest you engage the services of your own surveyor, at your own cost. Your builder can also assist with this process.

Will you keep me informed of progress on my block?

You will be required to install boundary fencing at your own cost. The fence type is a 1.8m timber. A front feature fencing will be installed with the front garden packages, which is set back 1m from the front facade. Corner lots require a lapped and capped fence, 1.8m high and set back 4m from the front facade. Details of the fencing requirements are included within the Smiths Lane Design Guidelines.

Why do site costs differ depending on the block? How is this Calculated?

Site costs can vary depending on the type of soil, extent of engineered fill and slope on your block and your builder. The type of soil and slope determines how your house must be built. Your builder will organise for their own engineer to conduct a soil and contour test to establish the best type of foundation for your new home to suit the ground conditions

What type of fill is used to fill the blocks? How do I get a report on what this is for my block?

Smiths Lane uses clean fill that has been tested by a geotechnical and environmental consultant and has been classified as suitable material to achieve Level 1 compaction to Australian Standards.

Is there any contamination on site?

No known contamination is present at Smiths Lane and the site is suitable for sensitive residential and community uses.

Will Smiths Lane have recycled water?

South East Water is the responsible authority for delivering recycled water supply. While recycled water infrastructure is being installed throughout the Smiths Lane development, the supply of recycled water to the site is not yet available. Until this occurs, Smiths Lane residents will receive drinking water through their recycled water system until the recycled water supply is available.

Is my builder required to provide a recycled water connection?

As required by the Smiths Lane Design Guidelines builders must incorporate a recycled water connection into house designs in order to achieve developer approval.

Why do I have two meters?

One meter tracks your drinking water usage and the other purple meter will track your recycled water usage. The recycled water will be connected for outdoor uses like watering gardens and washing cars. Until recycled water supply is available drinking water will be supplied through both pipes.

Can I sell my block before I build?

No. Sales boards are strictly prohibited. Resale of a lot prior to constructing a dwelling is prohibited by Smiths Lane unless specifically allowed under the contract of sale. All purchasers are aware of this restriction at the time of purchase and this restriction is intended to prevent investors speculating on the land and on-selling without making a contribution towards the growth of the Smiths Lane community.

What is my responsibility once I have settled my block?

To ensure it is regularly maintained, free of rubbish, debris and overgrown vegetation and secured to ensure others do not dump material. The developer will monitor presentation of vacant lots and completed lots to ensure regular maintenance of gardens/nature strips is undertaken by residents.

How will I find out when my block is titled and ready to settle?

Your legal representative will inform you of the proposed settlement date when they are notified by Mirvac’s legal representative, Maddocks Lawyers. The Smiths Lane Settlement Team will provide construction updates and will notify you directly once titles have registered.

Do I need to have legal representation to settle on my block?

It is strongly recommended that you engage the services of a conveyancer or lawyer who specialise in the legal requirements carried out during the settlement process.

Why does the timeframe for settlement sometimes get extended?

There are many parties involved in the process for getting all the approvals required. There are relevant authorities such as water/sewer, power and NBN Co, the Council’s team and Smiths Lane’s own consultants. Smiths Lane’s development team works diligently to ensure the forecast timeframes are achieved but sometimes things occur that are out of our control. Purchasers will be communicated with regularly regarding the progress of construction and forecast title registration.

Can I delay settlement?

The agreed terms of settlement are details in your contract of sale. A delay in settlement will incur a $550 fee plus daily penalty interest at 16% per annum. This means that for every day that you cannot settle, it will cost you more. Mirvac may also elect to terminate your contract or pursue other remedied if you fail to settle on time.

Do I have to attend settlement in person?

No, you do not have to attend settlement. Your legal representative will undertake all tasks needed to ensure the settlement process is carried out successfully.

What are my responsibilities during the settlement process?

It is your responsibility to make sure you are in a position to settle on time. This entails organising finance approval at least 3 months prior to settlement and contacting your bank or mortgage broker to ensure that the funds will be available at least 24 hours prior to the advised settlement timeframe. In addition, it is recommended to conduct a site inspection of your block to ensure any rubbish has been removed and that survey pegs, which define the boundaries of your block, are all in place.

Can I conduct an inspection of my block before settlement?

Yes, we encourage you to do a site inspection. The Smiths Lane Settlements team will let you know when you can inspect your block, typically once titles are registered. Valuers for finance can typically access the site 4 weeks prior to title release. Please be aware that there may be additional requirements due to Covid 19 restrictions to access the construction site. The Smiths Lane Settlements team will inform you of any requirements.

Where will the entrances to the estates be located?

The entrance to Smiths Lane is located on the corner of Smiths Lane and Oconnor Avenue. Works are underway on a second entry to the estate located on Alexander Boulevard.

How many lots are there?

The Smiths Lane development proposes approximately 3,100 homes of varied housing types to suit a broad range of resident preferences.


Will there be childcare facilities?

A childcare centre, located on Scholtz Drive, is currently planned to be delivered by 2025. A further announcement will be made once a planning permit is issued by Council in early 2024.

When will Clyde Grammar open and what type of school is it?

Clyde Grammar opened in 2022 and currently offers classes from Prep - Year 3. Clyde Grammar will increase its cohort yearly until reaching full enrolment at Prep - Year 12. Further information is available at

Will Smiths Lane residents be guaranteed a placement at Clyde Grammar?

Clyde Grammar is an integral part of the Smiths Lane community. Final placement is at the school’s discretion and Mirvac is unable to directly or actively guarantee enrolment success. Further information is available at

When will the government primary schools open?

Topirum Primary School, located on the corner of Manton Road and Hardys Road is currently on track to open in Term One 2024.

Will there be a government secondary school?

No Government Secondary School is planned for Smiths Lane within the Precinct Structure Plan. There will be however, a Secondary School located on Thompsons Road, only a matter of minutes from Smiths Lane.  Further information on the delivery of the school by the Department of Education can be found at


Who are Mirvac and what credentials do they have?

Mirvac is a leading integrated property group, listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (“ASX”) with activities across the investment and development spectrum. Established in 1972, Mirvac has more than 40 years of experience in the property industry and has an unmatched reputation for delivering quality products across all of its businesses.

Within the Australian residential market, Mirvac has a proven track record of delivering innovative and quality products that exceed customers’ expectations. Mirvac’s Development Division in Victoria is responsible for some of Australia’s leading residential projects including the Eastbourne located in East Melbourne, Tullamore in Doncaster, Olivine in Donnybrook, Yarra’s Edge precinct in Docklands and The Melburnian.


Will my neighbours pay half of the cost of the fencing? What about corner blocks - how are the fencing costs divided in this case?

You and your neighbour have equal cost responsibility for the dividing fence on your block. If you have purchased a corner block, you are solely responsible for the cost of the fence that faces the road – shared costs with neighbours only applies to common boundary fencing.  Please contact Council to find out your neighbour’s details to discuss sharing  fencing costs.

How are the fencing costs shared if my fence shares a boundary with land owned by Mirvac?

Pursuant to your contract of sale, you will have to pay the full cost of any fencing that shares a boundary with land owned by Mirvac and costs will not be recoverable from Mirvac.

Can I have a front fence?

Front fences is allowed.  Design guideline are in place to control the appearance and presentation, including permeability.  Please refer to the current Smiths lane Design Guidelines.

What is included in my front landscaping package?

Purchasers are able to pick from four garden styles.  The inclusions are dependent on lot size, lot frontage and configuration of dwelling.  Refer to the Landscape information pack and e-Brochure for inclusions.

How do I get my landscaping installed?

You are required to submit your Certificate of Occupancy to our Settlement Team ( to confirm that the construction of your home has been completed. The Customer Relationship Team will inspect your home to confirm it is compliant with the Smiths Lane Design Guidelines and approve your home for landscaping.

Can I upgrade or change my landscape package?

The complimentary landscape package will cover a range of  standard inclusions.  There are no variations to the packages.  A purchaser may discuss directly with the landscape contractor to undertake their own modifications such as retaining walls or pavement treatments prior to or post the package installation as long as they are in line with the Smiths Lane Design Guidelines and have been previously approved by the Design Review Panel.

Do I need to install a water tank?

Water tanks are strongly encouraged however they are not mandatory. Installing a rainwater tank can also help you achieve the minimum regulatory requirements when constructing a new home and reduce your ongoing water bills through reuse.

Will each street be wide or just some?

Street widths have been pre-planned to have a hierarchy of roads based on traffic volumes and connectivity within the estate. All streets are in accordance with Council requirements.

What are you doing to enhance Cardinia Creek?

The Cardinia Creek is an important conservation asset and will be managed over the long term and perform it’s primary role for biodiversity and conservation of important flora and fauna species. The creek contains some protected species under the Environment Protection & Biodiversity Conservation Act and works within the corridor need to be in accordance with the Melbourne Strategic Assessment Act.  Mirvac is coordinating with relevant State Government departments to confirm the timing and scope of works.

When will nature strips be installed and who maintains them?

Nature strips and street trees will be completed when the bulk of houses are completed within your stage to avoid damage during the building construction phase. Works are dependant on planting seasons and trade availability.  Once completed, residents are responsible for maintaining nature strips including regular mowing and removal of weeds.

Who is responsible for maintaining my nature strip prior to them being installed?

While it is the owners responsibility, Mirvac understands that this is a difficult time to be mowing and weeding grass so we will maintain the nature strips until the natur strip planting works have been completed.

Why do I have to maintain my nature strip?

It is a requirement of Council for all residents to maintain the nature strips adjacent to their lot.  Please contact the City of Casey who have policies around nature strip mainteneance.

What areas are my nature strip?

The nature strip is the lawn or planting within the road reserve (outside your property boundary) adjacent to your land. This includes the land in front of your property, and in the instances of corner lots, the land to the side of your property.

What happens if I don’t maintain my nature strip?

Maintaining your nature strip is a requirement of Council, and it is a Local Laws offence to not keep your nature strip within the required guidelines. We encourage all residents to maintain their nature strip to prevent fines being issued by Council, and also to take pride in the presentation of the streets.  Please contact the City of Casey which has policies around nature strip maintenance.

Will there be a fitness trail?

A shared path network is being constructed along key routes linking all neighbourhood parks, the future active open space and local town centre. The network will ultimately connect to Cardinia Creek and the Conservation Area.  This shared path network is intended to allow for pedestrian and cyclist connectivity, and outdoor activity.


Will I have access to the NBN from day one?

NBN Co have delivered the backhaul infrastructure to provide optic fibre to Smiths Lane and agreements are in place for supply of all stages sold and currently selling. NBN usually reticulates fibre on a per stage basis within 17 weeks after completion of civil construction, in readiness for first residents in a stage. Timing of reticulation and availability to connect remains subject to NBN Co control.

What do I need to do to connect to the NBN?

In the design of your home, your builder is to ensure Category 6 cabling is installed, your home is fibre ready and space is provided for an internal cabinet. Refer to guidelines available on NBN Co’s website. Builders should be aware of the requirements to ensure fibre can be provided to your home.


Are there cycling paths?

Shared cycling and walking paths will be located throughout the estate and provide convenient connections to key facilities such as schools, the town centre and active/passive open space.

Will there be a dog park?

Mirvac is working with the City of Casey to set aside a suitable location for delivery of a dog park, noting the popularity of pets and how they help the community interact.

What facilities will be in each neighbourhood park?

Neighbourhood parks are being designed to cater for a range of age groups and include distinctive and high-quality play equipment, shelters, passive kick about space and seating.  Each park is planned to offer unique and different facilities, inteded to allow residents to have different experiences in each park.

When will the parks be delivered in each neighbourhood?

Depending on planning approvals and Council requirments, parks will typically be completed progressivly through the development.

Do I need to book to use the park facilities?

Once the parks are complete and open for public access, the parks are owned and operated by Council.  Typically parks cannot be booked.  Please contact the City of Casey who may have policies around booking facilities.


What amenities will be in the Local Town Centre and when does it open?

The Local Town Centre is still in the planning stages, but will include approximately 11,000sqm of retail and commercial space, including a supermarket and a number of specialist stores. The Town Centre will be a vibrant precinct for the Smiths Lane community where people can meet, shop and eat. It will be located in proximity of the local schools and the Council Community Centre and will be serviced by a public bus service. We anticipate the Town Centre to be delivered within the next 5 years - subject to planning, design and market conditions.

Will there be a café?

Smiths Social Cafe, located at 35 Oconnor Avenue is open 7am to 3pm, 7 days a week. A café, as well as several food and beverage offerings are planned to be included within the Local Town Centre.

Will there be medical facilities?

We anticipate that the Local Town Centre will include medical facilities including a GP and pharmacy.

Will there be organised sporting groups?

As part of the community development plan, Smiths Lane is planning on supporting associations with existing sporting/ community groups in the area as well as assisting in the creation of new clubs in partnership with Council as the timeframe for delivery of the Council Sports Reserve becomes further rationalised.


Will Smiths Lane have a public bus service that connects to surrounding suburbs?

Public Transport Victoria will ultimately roll out public bus services that connect Smiths Lane to the broader region when there is a critical mass of residents. Bus stops are provisioned for in the Estate.

Visit Us

Learn more about life on the lane at the
Smiths Lane Sales Centre

35 Oconnor Avenue, Clyde North
Monday: 1pm–5pm
Tuesday to Sunday: 11am–5pm

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Mirvac acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the Traditional Owners of the lands and waters of Australia and we pay our respect to their Elders past and present. Mirvac acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the country on which we stand, the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation and we recognise their enduring connection to the land, waters and culture. We pay our respects to their Elders past and present.

Artwork: ‘Reimagining Country’, created by Riki Salam (Mualgal, Kaurareg, Kuku Yalanji) of We are 27 Creative.